
Google Cloud | Professional Cloud Network Engineer

Google Cloud | Professional Cloud Network Engineer

Designing and implementing network architectures in Google Cloud with a variety of use case. Configuring network services such as VPC instances, Google Cloud Load balancers, Hybrid Connectivity, Cloud DNS, and GKE networks, and Monitoring.

Cloud Native Computing Foundation | Certified Kubernetes Administrator

Cloud Native Computing Foundation | Certified Kubernetes Administrator

Configuring and managing production-grade Kubernetes clusters. Understanding elemental kubernetes concepts such as networking, persistent volumes, Kubernetes API objects, troubleshooting, and maintenance.

Harvard Business School Online | Certificate in Leadership Principles

Harvard Business School Online | Certificate in Leadership Principles

Leadership Principles is a 6-week, 25-hour online certificate program from Harvard Business School. Leadership Principles is designed to help individuals thrive as leaders, unleash the capabilities of others, and cultivate high-performing teams. This course leverages self-assessments, 360° feedback from colleagues, and the perspectives of fellow learners to enable participants to build greater self-awareness and enhance the versatility of their leadership style and approach. The program was developed by leading Harvard Business School faculty and is delivered in an active learning environment based on the HBS signature case-based learning model.

Bahasa Gallery

This project was initiated by my jealously of the Spotify wrapped website. That site is fantastic, It’s a perfect combination of data and arts. Then I started to pitch some ideas on top of that concept. I found that my country Indonesia has an enormous amount of native languages. That got my mind thinking an exploratory site which presents these languages in a map and shows where are they originally from and spoken. The idea was how to present these maps and languages as if they were on a museum, and I also wanted to give people an experience of walking in a museum and letting them to find interesting places and languages in Indonesia to wonder about. I made Bahasa Gallery. Bahasa means language in Indonesia, I find the word Gallery was the most catchiest word to represent a museum or an exhibit at that moment. It took me almost 2 years working on this project. I changed the design quite a lot, I got to deal with the technical implementation of the design concepts I had. There were lots of hurdles. I went really hard on placing objects in the threejs coordinate system, effects, basic shaders, animations, and coordinating states between transitions.

Analyzing Jokowi's Word Usage

I worked on this project in 2017. This project was hugely inspired by visual essays made by which was polygraph at that time if I remember correctly. I saw there was an essay about hip hop vocabularies and I was fascinated by it, and I wanted to make something like it. I began to take a look at the trending list in my country and our president was the most popular figure at that moment. I looked at his twitter account and scrolled down his timeline, tried to find something interesting and I thought to myself what are the things he likes to talk about in his tweets. I immediately fired up my Jupiter notebook and scrapped his tweets in my local computer. I arrived to an idea of finding topics by looking at his words usage. It was a really fun project.

Balls Circular

I would consider this as a very challenging coding exercise. I got to a new job working with Vue and I was a little left out from react updates, and there were new react features that I missed like hooks and suspense. React suspense was at the early the development and I thought maybe I could leave it for a moment and come back to it later, but react hook was really intriguing. I really wanted to learn it. Then I found a beautiful animation work in dribbble. It was a very complex animation, I got to deal with complex animation states and transitions.

Indonesia Atlas

Indonesia Atlas

I decided to make a collection of topojson maps of my country Indonesia. There was no good open source map of Indonesia, there were only shapefiles available. Shapefiles are just too big for web browsers, I don’t want users to pull lots of megabytes of files just to see the map of Indonesia. I worked on making the topojson files of Indonesia and putting them on a GitHub repository. I was lucky that I found tools like ndjson-cli and mapshaper, I could make super lightweight topojson files without sacrificing the details of the map.

Eid Mubarak Card

I worked on this project on a week during the end of ramadhan in 2018. I was on a holiday and I didn’t know what to do. I saw a beautiful photograph in unsplash and it was a firework photo. It became a source of inspiration of this project. I could work on this project very quick because of the abundance of d3 helpful functions, the thing I needed to do was to wire them up together in React.

Speaking at JakartaJS 2018

Speaking at JakartaJS 2018

I got fascinated by a javascript library called RxJs. RxJs is an amazing library and it’s still quite popular till these days. I decided to share publicly some complex use cases like Ajax cancellation and handling animations that can be done in a very easy way in RxJs. RxJs doesn’t tightly depend on a specific library or framework. And I made demos for Angular, Vue, and React to show how convenient it is to integrate RxJs to existing Javascript frameworks.